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Not factory direct priced. yet...

Monday, March 31, 2008

Factory Direct Manufacturers

I see where I was trying to take this thing... Here's a whole 'nother can of worms. Probably can get several days out of this topic. Enrages me so... I won't name names because... well, I don't know why, but I'm not going to. Lets just say there are a couple of BUILDERS locally that have retail divisions. Now, they may say its smart business, but I say they are undermining the fundamentals of our industry. Factory Direct Homes from the Factory itself- wow. Lets say you wanted to buy a Ford Mustang. Can you call Ford and buy it? No. They would tell you to go to A DEALER! Revelation! Undermining the builder-retailer relationship is bad. My hope is these guys cut their own throats. I'm not afraid to wish ill-will upon others, by the way. Some folks are scared of the ramifications of doing so, but not me. Factory direct homes straight from the builder. What an industry we're in! I'll go further tomorrow. Right now I just want to be done with this shit. Factory direct homes en la manana, amigos. Adios

Saturday, March 29, 2008

home sales for dummies

I guess thats what these factory direct dealers believe. You, Mr. or Mrs buyer are dumb. I have a renewed hope that people won't swallow the bait. I don't think everyone is so naive like these guys do. Throw out your ads for homes from $17,995 or whatever you want. People shop. They'll figure it out. Bust the factory direct home myth! Oh! That gives me another idea for a topic... This may even be more fun than gunning to the supposed factory direct home dealers. Next time, lets talk about MANUFACTURERS in the retail arena! I love that one...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Count on this one!

Ah, yes. I can always count on this blog to have a topic going! I see I've continued to blast away at the so-called 'factory direct' dealers. Good stuff! We had a sales meeting yesterday morning and we were discussing the web site, etc. and the subject of factory direct homes came up. This got my ears perked up of course. We can go toe to toe with factory direct dealers without making ourselves look like hoars. Or if we were hoars, at lease admit that we are... (they don't) Anyway, like I said before, we'll sell a home at wholesale if thats what it takes. Just has to be a righteous deal to me. Nice and easy. Don't look for our ad for homes from $16,999. Please...
throw in one more factory direct homes.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Clearance sale!

Thats not the end of the madness. Yesterday I was talking about an ad on one of my competitor's web site and how ridiculous it is. But wait- there's more! Not only can you save $30K on one particular home. There's an entire clearance sale happening right now! Oh, for joy! Yeah, there's about ten homes drastically reduced in price available on their lot. Hmmm. Again, the mark-ups are unreal. Factory Direct? Not at all. I think I'll do a little research and experiment. These guys disguise the models by naming the homes- like 'The blah blah'... Whatever. I know how to figure out which models they are- I'll compare their pricing to ours with our normal mark up and see who is offering lower prices to the public. I'll bet anyone $10 we're going to be lower. They are supposed to be factory direct dealers- We are full service! This should be interesting. Once again dispelling the factory direct myths. Thank you.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Save $30K!

You gotta be kidding me, bro. Today I clicked on one of my big competitor's web site, who happens to be a so-called 'Factory Direct' dealer. Guess what I saw? Thats right- save up to $30,000 on a manufactured home! This isn't the first time they've advertised in this manner. I do not understand why they are doing that. On one hand you're saying- hey, we're a factory direct dealer- buy your home for way less with us! On the other hand, you're saying, hey, we're idiots! We're supposed to be factory direct, but we're not because we marked this home up MORE THAN $30K!!! Damn. I've never marked up a home that much. What are they thinking? I don't know and I don't care. Thats for those fools to figure out on their own. So, if you want the real deal up front, just go to Black Hawk Homes. We'll make the purchase a lot easier for you to negotiate. Peace.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Separate site

Our finance manager approached me with the idea to create a separate web site strictly offering factory direct homes. I sort of shot him down. I don't want to be like these other guys with their on-line coupons, misleading advertising, and weird deals. I want to shoot straight with people. I have always found that this approach works best. At the same time, I do want people to know that Black Hawk Homes CAN offer factory direct pricing. I've talked about it several times already on this blog. For the new web site, we'll have a section that will deal with how to buy our homes with factory direct pricing. I am not inclined to create a whole web site that attempts to look like, sell like, or in any way be like the other so-called factory direct dealers. Black Hawk Homes can stand on its own without this sort of nonsense. We deal straight-up. It.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Yeah, I'm out to get these big-time, so-called factory direct home dealers out there. I don't think they are being honest with the public. They are like sharks feeding on the little fish. You know what, Black Hawk Homes won't be a little fish for long. We've been swimming in the same sea as the big boys for a while now, and we've begun to make our presence known. Can't quite swallow us up, can you? No, sir. Tout yourselves as factory direct home dealers all you want. We're coming to eat you now! I plan to prey on these guys in the future. Our new web site is going to take the oxygen out of the water that you breathe through your little gills, shark-boy. Thats right. Man, this is fun. Too bad no one will read... Drag. OK, need to be done now. To be treated honestly and get Factory Direct Homes, come to Black Hawk Homes. Straight.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


If you're going to name your company 'Factory Direct' something or 'Factory Wholesale' something, doesn't that mean the price offered to the public has to be that way as well? I am continually amazed by the Factory Direct phenomenon(sp?). It is a cut-throat business we're in, I know that. But can't we be real? I would be embarassed if a customer called my bluff in this regard. People shop, ya know. Lets say you're in the manufactured home business, and you are a sales person for a factory direct retailer. A customer walks in with 2 papers in his hand and says, 'hey, look- I have your price sheet from a week ago, and I have this price sheet from Black Hawk Homes that I got today. How is it that they have a lower advertised price than you on this home right here!?' Aren't you guys FACTORY DIRECT? Oh, man. What would you say? Honestly, I don't even know what I'd say... How about this- You should be that home from Black Hawk Homes because they are the absolute best dealer of manufactured and modular homes in the entire universe. Yeah, that'd be good... Need a couple more manufactured homes. Modular homes. Factory direct homes. Arrrgh!!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008


Isn't it great when you can say that you custom ordered something? It doesn't matter what it is. It could be a car, a boat, a toaster, whatever. The fact that you actually had that item made to your exact specifications is priceless! Its fun to brag about it to your friends too... Probably the biggest, high dollar item you can get 'custom' is a home. Even better, a manufactured home. What could be better still? A custom made manufactured home at cost! You want it like that, you got it like that. Yeah Gwen Stefani! Black Hawk Homes will afford you the opportunity to get a custom home at a factory direct price. Just make sure to bring the cash! If you read any of my previous entries, you know what I'm talking about! Give us a chance to prove who's #1. There's a new sherriff in town, varmits. We have the manufactured home you want- custom! Don't let these other yahoos sucker you in with their lame ads. Factory Direct, eh? How can you have a clearance sale with $30K off a home if you offer wholesale pricing? Why would you mark up a mobile home that much in the 1st place? Start making sense, dude. Thats lame.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Saturday night is all right!

Remember that Elton John song? Me 2. That was awesome... Anyway, I'm back and ready to blog! Yesterday I said Black Hawk Homes will sell homes at 'Factory Direct' pricing, and we will. Just remember, the deal has to be righteous. If you're wondering if we'd sell a home at a factory direct price if it WASN'T righteous, the answer would be no. What makes a deal no good? Well, its not really that its no good. A deal is a deal, and thats a good thing. However, there are several instances that make a factory direct price impossible. First, financing. We actually do a lot of work when we set up financing for one of our homes. In that case, the home won't be priced wholesale. Second, project management. Most of our customers want us to do the set up and everything for the home. In that case too- Black Hawk must see some up front profit. 3rd, a non-inventory unit. I'm more likely to blow out aging inventory than a new order. If you've got the cash, please take one right off my lot! I'll make it worth while! Thats not to say I won't pass along a wholesale price on a new order, but you can bet I'll try to unload a home out of inventory before looking into a fresh order. The important thing is, just because our name doesn't include the words 'Factory' or 'Wholesale', doesn't mean we won't do factory direct pricing. All buyers of Arizona manufactured homes, give us a chance to earn your business! Black Hawk Homes- the best dealer of manufactured and modular homes in Arizona! Simon'!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Black Hawk will sell you a home factory direct!

I have to get back on track here. I'm not blogging correctly. Need to get in those key words. I see that I've done a poor job with that in the 1st couple posts. Bad Mikey. So, you want to buy a manufactured home at a factory direct price, eh? OK, Black Hawk can do that just the same as any 'factory direct' dealer. Thats right, of course we can. I'll sell you a manufactured home at cost right now! That is, if the deal is righteous. What do I mean? Well, lets put it this way. You want us to sell you a home with no profit, so in other words me and everyone else involved with your 'factory direct' transaction at Black Hawk works for free. If thats the case, it needs to be easy. #1: a cash deal would help. If you can pay in full, there's a good chance I'll consider blowing out a home at cost. #2: we won't manage the project. Basically, we can't invest our people power with no $ in the deal. We'll hook you up with the appropriate contractors, the rest would have to be up to you. #3: Be efficient, treat us nice. We're doing something against the norm around here. The least you can do as the buyer is move quickly with the deal, and appreciate what Black Hawk Homes has done to accomodate your price criteria. Peace.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

for shame

Think I'll continue to rant. This factory direct homes thing burns my onion! The advertising is misleading to buyers looking to purchase manufactured homes. You really can't buy a home (move in ready!) for $18K! Wake up everybody! Sure, you can buy the HOME. Too bad thats not all there is to it. Oh, and that home is going to be a 1BR/1BA park model- approx 400 square feet. Comfortable? Uh, no. OK, so you've got this matchbox for $18K- did that include tax? Probably not. Anyway, now you need to make it so you can actually live in it. Here's whats involved: 1. transport 2. set up home 3. connect utilities 4. a/c (install) 5. awnings (install) 6. skirting (install) 7. forgot one- permits Thats a simple version of what needs done- a park model almost always goes into a RV or mobile home park. All utilites and everything are already there. No additional construction or foundation is required. Simple. I usually quote people about $8-10K for all of these items together. Now, how much was that again? Phonies.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


The whole idea with the factory direct deal is to get buyers to believe they are really buying a manufactured home at cost. As though they were really buying it directly from the factory. Such is not usually the case. I've noticed so-called 'factory direct' dealers quoting prices with even higher mark ups than we use here at Black Hawk Homes. And we are a 'full service' dealer... That means we provide turn-key homes to our buyers. We don't just sell the home- we will have it transported, we'll pull the permits, do the set up, everything! Project management people! Again, buyer beware! Do your research- compare pricing! Make sure you get the WHOLE story when dealing with a retailer. They love to leave things out... I'm not sure why- I think its better to put all the cards out on the table. This way, there are no surprises! Black Hawk Homes will always deal with each customer in an up front and honest fashion. That is why YOU should choose Black Hawk Homes for your new manufactured home!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

5th grader...

I'm definitely smarter than a 5th grader! But they can beat me at any video game...

Don't buy the hype!

Buyer beware! Most manufactured home retailers that claim to extend 'factory direct' savings to their customers really aren't. Thats why Black Hawk Homes says, 'Don't buy the hype!'

Be smart! Buy from Black Hawk Homes!

Honestly, if you want a fair deal and some straight talk, come to Black Hawk Homes. Affordable, high-quality manufactured and modular homes in the great state of Arizona!